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LI JUN company guarantee letter.doc

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LI JUN company guarantee letter.doc

上传人:陈晓翠 2012/4/1 文件大小:0 KB


LI JUN company guarantee letter.doc


文档介绍:16th Jan. 2006
. Consulate General in Shanghai
Visa Section
To whom it may concern,
Subject: Tourist Visa Application
We hereby certify that Mr. xx holder of passport No. G8888 has been employed by Shanghai xx Co., Ltd. as Sales Manager since July 2004.
We have approved Mr. xx ’s annual leave from 16th, Jan. 2006 to 8th Feb. 2006. Mr. xx will resume his duties with Shanghai xx on his return to Shanghai on 10th Feb. 2006
We are confident that Mr. xx will return to work on time. The purpose of Mr. xx’s trip is tourism. He travelled to VietNam, Cambodia and Thailand as Backpacker before. He will not seek any employment or residency in . and will abide by . laws and regulations during his trip in .
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on Tel: +86 21 6211-8888
With Kindest Regards,
Shanghai xx Co., Ltd
By: _______________________
[Name] xx xx
[Title] Managing Director