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The sweet of love
If we feel love or be loved ,no matter es from your spouse ,you family or your friend, a sweet feeling will like a seed which rooted in your heart. It’s the sweet of love.
You will feel where there is love, there are always wishes.
With the wonder of love, the sun above always shines.
Mother’s Love
Do you remember your mother's age? Do you remember your mother's birthday?
Maybe you don't remember, but it doesn't matter. From now on , let us more care about our great mother, while the mother still alive we should spend more time with her, and often go home, often give her a call , often for her to share something, because we are no longer naughty children, Soon the family will be for our to ,不过没关系。从现在起让我们多关心下我们伟大的母亲,趁着母亲还健在的时候多陪陪她,常回家看看,常打打电话给她,常为她分担,因为我们已经不再是个淘气的孩子,不久这个家庭将由我们来担当。
曾经,我轻吻着你的每根小指头。 One day I counted your fingers and kissed each one.
曾经,在某个清朗的冬日,我把你高高举起,看着你红润的笑脸。 One day the first snowflakes fell,and I held you up and watched them melt on your baby skin.
曾经,你的小手紧抓着我,一同穿越都市的车水马龙。 One day,we crossed the street,and you held my hand tight.
曾经,你是我的小宝宝,现在你是我的大宝贝。 Then ,you were my baby,and now you are my child.
有时,望着沉睡的你,我也跟着梦想…… Sometimes,When you sleep, I watch your dream,and I dream too......
有一天,你会潜入冷冽清澈的湖。 That someday you will dive into the cool,clear water of a lake.
独自走进一座苍郁的森林。 Someday you will walk into a deep wood.
初见新奇,眼中满是光彩。 Someday your eyes will be filled with a joy so deep that they shine.
有一天,你会为了心中的渴求,像团火球似的疯狂追逐。 Someday you will run so fast and so far your heart will feel like fire.
有一天,你会发现自己荡的比想象的还高。 Someday you will swing high so high, higher than you ever dared to swing.
有一天,你会因为突如其来的坏消息,感觉被深深的哀伤包围。 Someday you will hear something so sad that you will fold up with sorrow.
有一天,你会站在风中浅唱,期盼风儿把你的心声带向远方。 Someday you will call a song to the wind,and the wind will carry your song away.
有一天,我会倚在门边,望着你向我挥手道别,消失在我眼前。 Someday I will stand on this porch and watch your arms waving to me unt