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文档介绍:European Culture
-- An Introduction
Division One : Greek and Roman Culture
Homer <Iliad> <Odyssey> Author of epics Sappho Lyric poet
三大悲剧家: Aeschylus <Prometheus bound> <Persians> <Agamemnon> Tragic dramatist Sophocles <Oedipus the King> <Electra> <Antigone> Tragic dramatist Euripides <Medea> <Trojan Women> <Andromache> Tragic dramatist
喜剧家: Aristophanes <Frogs><Clouds><Wasps><Birds>  Comedy writer
历史学家: Herodotus  wrote about wars between Greeks and Persians  Father of history Thucydides wrote about wars between Athens and Sparta and Athens and Syracuse the greatest historian that have ever lived
哲学和科学: Pythagoras All things were numbers founder of scientific mathematics Heracleitue Fire is the primary element Democritus Materialist, one of the earliest exponents of the atomic theory Socrates Dissect of oneself, virtue was high worth of life, dialectical method Plato Man have knowledge because of the existence of certain general ideas
<Dialogues> Aristotle Direct observation, theory follow fact, idea and matter together made concrete individual realities <Ethics><Politics> <Poetics and Rhetoric> Euclid <Elements> a textbook of geometry Archimedes when a body is immersed in water its loss of weight is equal to the weight of the water displaced “Give me a place to stand and I’ll move the World” Others Diogenes (the Cynics) Pyrrhon(the Sceptics) Epicurus (the Epicureans) Zeno (the Stoics) 4th century , king of Macedon的领导下,5th century ,146
d. Contending Schools of Thoughts
Sophists, who were teachers of the art of arguing. The most eminent of them was Protagoras, born about 500 ., who wrote a book On the Gods. He is chiefly noted for his doctrine that “ man is the measure of all the things.”
In the 4th century ., four schools of philosoph-
ers often argued with each other. They were the Cynics, the Sceptics, the Epicureans and the Stoics.
The Cynics, leader named Diogenes, he rejected all the conventions,