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( 2008届)
题目: 英语“同词反义”现象及其翻译初探
学院: 外国语学院
专业: 英语
学生姓名: 林莉学号: 04096111
指导教师: 陈永花职称: 讲师
合作导师: 职称:
完成时间: 2008 年 6 月

Abstract 1
摘要 2
Outline 3
提纲 4
1. Introduction XX
2. Sources of Formation of “Enantiosemy” XX
3. Classification of “Enantiosemy” XX
The Angle of Synchronic Linguistics XX
The Angle of Diachronic Linguistics XX
Words with Appraisement XX
4. Translation of “Enantiosemy” XX
Disambiguation XX
Maintenance XX
Transformation XX
5. Conclusion XX
Works Cited XX
“Enantiosemy” in English and Its E-C Translation
Lin Li
Abstract: This paper firstly introduces the definition of “Enantiosemy” and elaborates the development of the phenomenon and the foreign studies. Next it proposes the causes of “Enantiosemy” according to the recent reseaches. By listing enough instances, it then classifies “Enantiosemy” into three kinds. It finally discusses some possible translation-tips in its E-C renderings.
Key words: Enantiosemy; classify; E-C translation
摘要: 本文首先引进了关于“同词反义”现象的概念,阐述了“同词反义”现象的发展进程以及一些载以及文献背景,提出“同词反义”现象的成因。根据材料,例证引述,将“同词反义”现象划分为三大类。最后讨论、提出了关于“同词反义”现象在英汉翻译中应秉持的一些要点及原则。
“Enantiosemy” in English and Its E-C Translation
FLC 2004(08)(English)Lin Li
Tutor: Chen Yonghua
1. Introduction
To begin with I will provide an example mence my paper. “I saw a play yesterday. It’s terrific! This sentence can be understood in two ways: the movie was excellent or it was terrible to see. Here, the key point which causes the distinctness is the word “terrific”, which contains two entirely opposite meanings. Also, there’re an army of these words used widely in people’s daily life.
The words of this kind, in English linguistics, called “Enantiosemy”. It refers to a word which contains two opposite meanings. In English, linguists also gave the existence a name called “Enantiosemy” in English. Nowadays, according to牛津语言学词


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