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文档介绍:Several aspects of the differences between the diet 饮食差异的几个方面
The Tableware 餐具
The Diet Idea 饮食观念
The Diet Structure 饮食结构
The Table Manners 用餐礼仪
The Cooking Way 烹饪方式
China : chopsticks
The West : knife and fork
China : 中餐桌上的用具总量也许少一些,但食物却也比较丰盛,因为大部分用具属公用的,特别是盛菜各种盘、碟、碗之类。摆放客人自己面前也通常只有饭碗(有时兼盛菜)、碟子、白酒杯、饮料杯、汤勺、筷子、餐巾纸等。
The West : 餐叉分得很细,包括salad fork, dinner fork, dessert fork, 还有soup spoon, teaspoon, soup bowl, service or dinner plate, butter spreader, bread and butter plate, water goblet, red wine goblet, white wine goblet, napkin,etc.
China : the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares
China : Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests
The West : the guests enjoy the food by themselves
China : People in China tend to over-order food, for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed.
The West : Westerner will order proper food,and they will pack them home if they can't eat out.
China : The custom of toasting in some parts of China is to finish the drink at once,and they view it as politeness and "liberated".


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