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英雄联盟 英文.ppt

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英雄联盟 英文.ppt

上传人:aideliliang128 2018/1/15 文件大小:7.56 MB


英雄联盟 英文.ppt


文档介绍:What would you do
when you stay at dormitory ?
Watch movies?
Play cards?
But for most of us boys
It may be
puter games
My topic today is kind of
DOTA game development origin
Warcraft first-of-its-kind working model for real-time strategy game since many people laid a good foundation, games have originated from this, "fun" fights with people of truth in the blizzard's game is very good. A large number of shortcuts operation setting of game development pointed out the train of thought in the future. Game with random map generator is also the first time appear in real-time strategy game, add a lot of fun game for the player.
The emergence of warcraft 3 c ninja village map is to let this kind of games are all the rage
Then the emergence of the DOTA map is more to this game


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