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文档介绍:(The time switch timing can be set second.)
1. Function and Scope
NKG-2 time switch (hereinafter referred to as “time switch”) is applicable for regularly controlling switch-on and off of street lamps, advertising light boxes and other equipments in automatic control circuit with AC frequency of 50Hz, rated control power voltage of 220V at most and rated working current of 3A at most.
Operating Voltage
Number of control circuit
Without: control circuit one
Design No.
Time switch
Enterprise code
2. Model and Its Meaning
3. Normal Operating Condition and Installation Condition
Ambient air humidity: -25℃~+40℃, and the average temperature is no more than +35℃ in 24h.
Altitude: no more than 2,000m.
Humidity: the relative air humidity of the installation site shall be no more than 50% when the maximum temperature is +40℃, while it can be higher under lower temperature. Special measures shall be taken for the condensation occasionally formed due to temperature change.
Pollution level: 3.
In the medium with no explosion hazard and no gas that is enough to corrode metal and destroy the insulation and the place shall not have severe conductive dust.
In the place where is provided with anti-snow and anti-rain equipment but not be full of water steam.
In the place without significant shake, shock and vibration.
Installation class: II.


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