This article specifically for three-dimensional modeling of light-cured structural design of mechanical systems. X-Y scanning normally used to screw drive. Through the motor rotation, with another even reached the screw shaft, through to the X and Y to the two motors of rotation to achieve XY to scan; Z to the table, also by the screw and a rail. Z to the table by the extension units, columns, position, its transmission is through the same motor rotation axis is to pass even reached the screw by screw to achieve the rotation of the table move up or down.
Through the three-dimensional modeling of light-cured in the design and mechanical systems, making their campaigns and drive more reasonable and stable, then in the production process so that it can better carry out production.
Key word: SLA Scanning agencies Rapid Prototyping Transmission
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第1章绪论 1
快速原型技术简介 1
RP的基本构思 1
几种典型的快速成型技术 2
各种成型方法简介及对比 3
快速成型精度概述 4
立体激光固化成型(SLA)的成型原理 5
SLA的国内外发展现状 6
本次设计的主要工作 7
主要设计任务 7
主要技术参数 7
第2章机械结构的设计方案 8
X-Y向扫描运动机构的设计 8
Z轴升降系统设计 9
刮刀系统的设计 10
第3章机械结构的设计计算 11
、传动比及步进电机步进角的确定 11
滚珠丝杠的选型与计算 11
滚珠丝杠螺母副的选型和校核 13
导轨的选型及计算 18
初选导轨的型号 18
计算滚动导轨副的距离寿命L 18
步进电机的选择 19
步进电机简介 19
传动系统等效转动惯量的计算 20
所需转动力矩的计算 21
联轴器的选择 25
轴承寿命计算 25
X-Y向深沟球轴承寿命计算: 25
Z向深沟球轴承寿命计算: 26
刮刀系统设计 27
刮板的选择 27
刮板的材料和移动速度对涂层质量的影响 28
第4章控制方式简介 29
8051芯片简介 29
8051的内部结构 29
8051引脚功能 30
光栅尺位移传感器简介 31
进给伺服系统 32
结论 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36