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文档介绍:Mine hoist’s start-up performance under asynchronousmotor vector control
LIChun-wen2, CAO Ling-zhi1,zhangAi-fang1
(1. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ZhengzhouUniversity of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2. Department ofAutomation, TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing 10084, China)
Abstract:In this paper, considering mine hoist’s working characteristic,then the vector control’s theory and mathematics model were analyzed. Through the Matlab simulation, The result puter simulation shows that the elevator system of the traditional PI regulator exist a serious fall use self-learning function of the single neuron controller instead of PI controllers ,the simulation shows that this scheme will greatly lessen and even eliminate lift cage’s sudden falling phenomenon.
Key words: mine hoiste; asynchronous motor’s vector contro; falling phenomenon; single-neuron
In Coal Mine Production, Mine Hoist play a very important role and it is the mine production of key equipment. The quality of operational performance not only with the transport of materials, but also the relationship between the physical security. At present, a variety of electric drive programs in mining application,PWM AC-DC-AC frequency control program with the most advantages and the most promising programs due to speed performance, high power factor, harmonic currents and


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