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This is the same story ___ I heard ten years ago.
a. that b. about that c. which d. of which
答案a, “the same + 名词”后面的定语从句可以用关系代词that或as引导,不用which, that在定语从句中作宾语时可以省略, 否则不能省略. 如: she is the girl (that) I sat next to in class last year. He went home the same evening that he heard the news. 定语从句如果是省略句用as而不用that, 如: Meet me at the same place as you did yesterday. I’m of the same mind as you are about this. He was about the same age as Philip.
2. I advised her that in the presence of princess she should not say anything until ___
a. asked b. being asked c. having been asked d. to be asked
答案a. until可以引导省略句,此处省略了she was. Until从句的主语必需与主句的主语保持一致, 谓语必须是be动词才可以用省略句,只保留表语. Until后面不跟动名词和不定式.
3. it necessary that an efficient worker ___ his work on time.
a. plish b. plishes c. can plish d. has plished
在it is necessary that -- 之后的从句中谓语需用虚拟语气(should +) 动词原形, should 可以省略, 只用动词原形. 使用这种句型的形容词还有: important\vital\essential\urgent\advisable\natural\desirable
4. it was ___ that he heard of the victory of the Chinese revolution.
a. Stephen b. with Stephen c. by Stephen d. from Stephen
答案d, 强调句. 强调句用来强调陈述句中除了谓语动词和表语外的几乎任何成分,包括主语\宾语\宾补\间接宾语\状语等, 但是不能强调由since/as/for/now that引导的原因状语从句(但是可以强调由because引导的原因状语从句), 不能强调让步状语从句和whereas(然而,但是)引导的并列分句, 强调句一般用It is—that结构, 被强调的部分要用连词that而不是which连接, 强调时间状语一般不用when,(有时也可以), 强调地点状语不用where.
5. he was attending a meeting, e to your birthday party then.
a. unless he would have b. or he would c. but he did not d. or he would have
答案d, 本题为含蓄条件句, 第一句陈述的是事实, 第二句由or引导一个与过去事实相反的含蓄条件(相当于if he had not been attending a meeting), 因此谓语必须用虚拟过去时would e. 这种句子的特点就是句中往往有表示过去的时间状语. 答案b是虚拟现在时,不合句意.
6. the curious children watched the towers ____.
a. erected b. be erected c. to be erected d. being erected
答案d, see\watch\observe\notice\look at\hear\listen to\feel等, 后面的动作是动词原形的话表示动作的全过程, 若表示动作正在进行后面需用现在分词, 如果宾语是正在进行中的动作的受动者,则用现在分词的被动态; 如果宾语是受动者,而说话者着眼与动作的结果,则用过去分词.
7. she never laughed, ___ ever lose her temper.
a. so did she b. but she did not c. nor did she d. no