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ES服装休闲品牌最新装修SI手册(SI设计 清晰完整).pptx

上传人:buhouhui915 2018/2/24 文件大小:18.80 MB


ES服装休闲品牌最新装修SI手册(SI设计 清晰完整).pptx



With the fast development of outdoor sports in China, there are lots of outdoor sports accidents. Therefore, it is important for outdoor clubs and leaders to improve their ability of outdoor sports risk management so as to effectively reduce outdoor sports accidents. Based on the means and methods of implementation of outdoor sports risk management in outdoor clubs in Liaoning province, the research analyzes the existing problems in outdoor sports risk management, es out some strategies for the problems in order to provide valuable guidance and support in outdoor risk management for outdoor clubs.
This study adopts the methods of literature, questionnaire survey, expert interview, mathematical statistics, logical analysis, and so on. This thesis first analyzes the correlated theories of outdoor sports. By investigating and analyzing, the thesis finds out the problems existing in the implementation of outdoor risk management in outdoor clubs in Liaoning province, constructs the pattern of outdoor risk management on three aspects, such as clubs’ security system, outdoor leader s’ risk management plans and team members’ safety cognition.
Research es: (1) In recent four years, there have been many kinds of outdoor sports accidents, which are largely caused by the subjective reasons of the team members and outdoor leaders. (2) The outdoor clubs’ safety management system in Liaoning province is not perfect or standardized. (3) Most outdoor leaders get the certification of Chinese Mountaineering Association in Liaoning province; however, their ability of risk management is overall not high.
(4) In Liaoning province, team members of outdoor clubs have higher safety awareness, but they actually have lower risk perception degrees in actual activities than the actual residual risk and their poor outdoor sports-related skills often cause accidents.
This thesis puts forward some instructive suggestions to solve the existing problems of outdoor club safety managemen


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