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文档介绍:该【2025年中国式英语搞笑短语 】是由【杏杏铺】上传分享,文档一共【4】页,该文档可以免费在线阅读,需要了解更多关于【2025年中国式英语搞笑短语 】的内容,可以使用淘豆网的站内搜索功能,选择自己适合的文档,以下文字是截取该文章内的部分文字,如需要获得完整电子版,请下载此文档到您的设备,方便您编辑和打印。

中国式英语搞笑短语 篇1
  [误] It's ten o'clock. Get up, lazy worm!
  [正] It's ten o'clock. Get up, lazy bones!
  注:“懒虫”并非真是一条虫,只不过被用来形容人很懒惰罢了。英语里与之对应的说法是 lazy bones(懒骨头)。注意,这里的 bone 应以复数形式出现,也许是因为不会只有一根骨头懒吧!

  [误] My only capital is diligence。
  [正] My only means to success is diligence。
  注:原文的“资本”是借喻,实际指“可以依靠并取得成功的手段”。而英语的 capital 指 money used to produce more wealth or for starting a business,并没有中文那样的引申意思。所以,这里的“资本”不能与 capital 画等号。也有人用 advantage 来翻译“资本”,虽然不尽意,但至少可以让读者理解。
  [误] This department store has set up a resting-place, much to the customers' appreciation。
  [正] This department store has set up a lounge, much to the customers' appreciation。
  注:英语的 resting-place 虽然有“休息处”的'意思,但更经常的是用来指“坟墓”,即“最后安息之处”。因此,把公共场所的“休息处”译为 resting-place 不很合适。也有人将它译为 rest-room,但那更不妥当,因为英语中的 rest-room 是“厕所”的委婉说法,而“休息处”不是这个意思。
  [误] Everyone doubts that Tom is a spy。
  [正] Everyone suspects that Tom is a spy。
  注:doubt 作“怀疑”讲,是“不相信”的意思;而 suspect 作“怀疑”讲,是指“对.。.有所察觉”。第一句译文犯了两个错误:首先,doubt 不能接 that 从句,只有not doubt that 和 doubt if/whether;其次,它所表达的意思是“大家对汤姆是间谍这件事表示怀疑”,即“大家不相信汤姆是间谍”,与原文的意思恰好相反。

  . 我们俩关系最好,他经常来我这儿蹲饭吃。
  [误] We are best friends. He always comes here to have meals for free。
  [正] We are best friends. He always comes here to bum meals off me。
  注:第一句只表明“他常到我这儿来白吃白喝”,但朋友这间那种亲密关系没有体现出来。而 bum sth. off sb. 指向非常熟的朋友要一些不起眼的小东西,而朋友也不会介意还不还
  中国式英语搞笑短语 篇2
  1 :我的优点是:我很帅;但是我的缺点是:我帅的不明显。 My advantage is that I am handsome, but my disadvantage is that the handsomeness is not so obvious。
  2 :谈钱不伤感情,谈感情最他妈伤钱。 It does not hurt feelings, when it comes to money, but it indeed damn cost rf online disena money when it comes to feelings。
  3 :我诅咒你一辈子买方便面没有调料包。 I curse your buying instant noodles without getting flavoring cheap RF Online dalant bags。
  4 :会计说:“你晚点来领工资吧,我这没零钱。” The accountant said : “Could you please come for your earnings later, because I have no change here?”
  5 :虽然你身上喷了古龙水,但我还是能隐约闻到一股味儿。 Although you wear some RF online cp cologne, I can still vaguely smell a scummy whiff out of you。
  6 :有一次我上街,一群女孩把我拦住,她们说我帅,我不承认,她们就打我,还说我虚伪。 When I went shopping one day, a group of girls stopped me, saying that I was handsome .But I denied it, and then RF Online dalant they hit me and said I am hypocritical。

  7 :冲杯三鹿给党喝。 Pour boiling water into a cup of Sanlu milk powder, and give it to buy RF Online dalant the political party。
  8 :史上最神秘的部门:有关部门。 The most mysterious department in the history is the department concerned。
  9 :我这辈子只有两件事不会:这也不会,那也不会。 There are two cheap RF online cp things that I could not do in my life –I could not do this and I could not do that。
  10:人家有的是背景,而我有的`是背影。 The others have their background, while what I have is the sight of my rf online cp back。
  11:别把虾米不当海鲜。 Never treat a dried shrimp not as seafood。
  12:我是天使,回不去天堂是因为体重的原因。 I am an angel, and the rf online dalant reason why I can not go back to heaven is the problem of my weight。
  13:骗子太多,傻子明显不够用了。 Since there are so many rf online disena deceivers, it is very obvious that idiots are not enough。
  14:你的手机比话费还便宜。 Your phone is much cheaper than the phone words fee。
  15:不怕偷儿带工具,就怕偷儿懂科技! We never be afraid t