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上传人:mh900965 2018/3/4 文件大小:15 KB




文档介绍:Hello, everyone. Today, my topic is Beijing International Film Festival.
First of all, I will introduce something about it. Beijing International Film Festival was founded in 2011, and it is sponsored by the State Administration of Radio Film and Television. This festival is aimed at Integrating domestic and international film resources, building a large platform for displaying, communication and trading and making Beijing a new film center of the world. So we can use four words to conclude the characteristics of this film festival, they are international, professional, advanced and creative.
As we all know, Beijing is always the center of China in all ages, no matter in political or economic sense. What’s more, along with rapid development in almost all aspects, Beijing definitely has enough strength and experience to hold this kind of activity. By Beijing international film festival, we can show our Chinese traditional culture to people in the world, strength munication and cooperation. Also, we can promote the development of our Chinese film. Most importantly, this activity will provide a feast for the eyes, because people will enjoy hundreds of outstanding films.
On the evening of April 16, the opening ceremony of Beijing International Film Festival had been held in the Temple of Heaven. The director of the opening ceremony integrate Chinese long history since


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