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GE GROUP system office room [GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-
30、 Zhou zhuang, a famous water town on the southwest of Shanghai.
33> I will study hard from now on.
34> I wanted to be a tour guide and travel around the word.
37、 What was his dream when he was twelve?
I think mobile phone is the most useful.
I will go on a picoic.
They are talking on the phone.
I think Tom is very outing.
We would like two plates of dumplings.
I like tomato noodles.
She calls for food.
They are 50 yuav.
Miss white lives in Nanjing road.
10> The girl would like three pieces of bread.
11> He was a police office. (2 种问法)
She is good at swimming.
My favorite sport is throwing.
14> I took part in the long jump.
15> I think she is a little serious.
16、My Chinese teacher is Ma, Wang.
17> She is shy.
18^ We will have a sale on Childien's Dey.
19、We,11 give the money to the poor pupils i。the mountains.
20> She bought a pain of scissors and some magazines.
21> Shanghai is in the southeast of China.
22> We are going to talk about our dream.
23、 I went to Zhouzhueng on my holiday.
24> I would like to be an acto。 in the future.
25> We talked about our dreams at our class meeting.
26、Kitty's dream is want to become a scientist.
27> He wanted to be a scientist and fly to the moon.
28> We have a sports meeting every year.
T will use it to make phone calls and send messages.
I wou1d like something to drink.
He comes from Shanghai.
She has long hair.
Kitty won the girT s high jump.
There will be a sale at our school.
He wanted to be a scientist and fly to the moon.
1> Did you watch TV last weekend
2、 Did she went to Shanghai last summer
3、 May I speak to Ann?
4> Would you like something to drink?