院、部: 电气与信息工程学院
指导教师: 职称讲师
专业: 自动化
完成时间: 2012年6月 2号
该设计介绍了音响的构成、功能、及工作原理,它主要由LM386芯片所组成的功放电路,LM324四运算放大器为前置放大和音调放大构成,本身具有电源电压范围宽,静态功耗小,可单电源使用,价格低廉等优点。而LM386一款输出功率适当,最大功率5W左右, 静态电流小,负载能力强,动态电流大既可带动4-16Ω的扬声器,电路简洁,制作方便、性能可靠的高保真功放,并具有内部保护电路。本设计的功能是将输入音频信号进行放大,是一种可普遍用于家庭音响系统、立体声唱机等电子系统中,便于携带,适用性强。
关键词:LM386 功率放大器输出功率 LM324 放大倍数
This article describes the sound of position, function, and principle, which is mainly formed by the LM386 chip power amplifier circuit, LM324 quad op amp as the preamp and tone to enlarge constitute itself with supply voltage range, the static power consumption can be a single power use and low cost advantages. The LM386 ,a low output power, its maximum power reaches 5W or so, the static current, load capacity, dynamic current can drive large 4-16Ωspeaker, circuit simplicity, making convenient and reliable high-fidelity power amplifier, and an internal protection circuit. This design feature is the input audio signal amplifier, It is generally available for home audio systems, stereo player and other electronic system, portable applicability.
Key words : LM386 OTL Output power LM324 Magnification
1 概述……………………………………………………………………………… 1
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2 设计课题说明及要求…………………………………………………………… 4
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3 电路设计方案比较与论证…………………………………………………………5
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4 核心元器件介绍…………………………………………………………………6
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LM386的介绍……………………………………………………………… 8
5电路的整体结构…………………………………………………………………… 9
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