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上传人:zhangbing32159 2015/5/18 文件大小:0 KB




时间:1天前| 阅读:1027次| [划词已启用]
Desperate Housewives《绝望的主妇》不但剧情贴近生活,其中口语也生动活泼,我们能从这部美剧中学到很多实用的流行美式俚语哦。
[1] 《绝望主妇》实用流行美式俚语:节衣缩食
[2] 《绝望主妇》实用流行美式俚语:吸引某人注意
[3] 《绝望主妇》实用流行美式俚语:出乎意料的嬴家
1 Be in the air 将要发生的事情
【英英解释】The feeling or idea that something new is about to happen or is going to change.
Example: From the arguments going on at the meeting, it seems that a change in policy is in the air.
2 Clear the air 消除误会
【英英解释】To settle a dispute and restore good relations
Example: We had a meeting with the workers, and I think we've cleared the air now.
3 Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵
【英英解释】To be very expensive
Example: I love that fur coat. However, I don't think I'm going to buy it because it costs an arm and a leg.
4 A bad egg 缺乏道德的人
【英英解释】Somebody who has no moral principles and should be avoided
Example: You mustn't lend Tim money, he's a bad egg. You'll never see him or your money again!
5 In the Bag 稳操胜券
【英英解释】Said of an achievement which is secure
Example: We have the deal in the bag. The client came in this morning to sign the agreement.
6 In the balance 未知的,不可预测的
【英英解释】Said when the e of a situation is unknown or unpredictable
Example: His career as a pilot is in the balance, as his eyesight does not seem good enough.
7 Drive a hard bargain 极力讨价还价
【英英解释】To have the negotiating strength and skills to get the most advantageous price and conditi


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