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上传人:lanyou1106 2018/3/7 文件大小:73 KB




( )1. Your room is in a mess! You should sometime this week.
A. clean up it B. clean it up C. make it up D. make up it
( )2. A: Are the new rules working?
B: Yes. books are stolen now.
A. Few B. More C. Some D. None
( )3. I want to know .
A. Where can I exchange my money
B. Which place I can exchange my money
C. Where I can exchange my money
D. In which I can exchange my money
( )4. You can find it in the Farmer’s Market the food is both delicious and cheap.
A. that B. where C. which D. when
( )5. A: I think that animals should not live in zoos.
B: I you. I think that zoos can provide good places for animals.
A. believe B. disagree with C. agree with D. think of
( )6. A: Mary afraid of dark when she was a child.
B: Is she still afraid of dark?
A: No, she at night now.
A. is used to being, used to work B. used to be, is used to working
C. used to being, is used to work D. was used to be, is working
( )7. A: Do you mind my opening the window?
B: . It’s really stuffy.
A. Not at all B. Yes, please C. Sorry, you’d better not D. Not really
( )8. A: What do you think of the movie?
B: This is the best movie I .
A. have never seen B. have ever seen C. saw D. I had seen
( )9. A: Do you think it will rain tomorraw.
B: . It has been so dry for weeks.
A. I hope so B. Hope not C. Of course not D. I’m afraid so
( )10. I’d


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