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Some people think that the can bring various kinds of information to school children, so schools and colleges are no longer playing an important role in modern education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
With modern technology improved greatly, the has been playing a more and more important role in education. Therefore, some hold that schools and colleges are no longer playing a vital role. This, however, can hardly hold water after further analysis.
The is now considered as a substitute for schools and colleges. Many students are said to be unsatisfied with the rigid schedule and limited range of information of traditional schools and colleges. Therefore, the , with its flexible timetable and unlimited range of information, has won greater popularity. For instance, a student who does not like getting up early for school can choose to log onto the at any time he likes, which can greatly improve his learning efficiency. What’s more, he can search the for any information needed for his study or work.
The unparalleled advantages of schools and colleges, heless, should not be overlooked. Some may argue that the offers a much wider range of information than schools and colleges. However, an unlimited range of information is not definitely a good thing. First of all, it is impossible for a student to look through all the information in a short time. Secondly, the information itself may not be of high quality. Consequently, schools and colleges are much more advantageous in this regard. The teachers at schools and colleges can help the students single out the useful information, enabling them to learn what they need in a shorter time. Furthermore, when a student is baffled by a question, the teacher also can help him out while the can hardly achieve that.
To sum up, after the above analysis, I’m strongly convinced that the can not replace schools and colleges. It may play an auxiliary role in modern education.
Schools should


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