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文档介绍:Unit Seven
Unit Objectives
1. features of a coordinate sentences
2. different types of coordinate sentences
3. how to coordinate sentences
4. unity in a paragraph
5. coherence in a paragraph
1. features of a coordinate sentences
warm-up activities
1) tired happy
2) one percent inspiration y-nine percent perspiration
3) who always remembers a woman’s birthday who never remembers her age
4) Soldiers win battles, generals get credit.
word + word
phrase + phrase
clause + clause
sentence + sentence
Write a short paragraph to discuss ways to make your campus life more colorful.
My life on campus is both challenging and colorful. I naturally devote most of my weekdays to courses, pulsory and optional. As the academic requirements demand that I must spend all my weekday evenings in the library reading reference books and drafting papers, I think it is worthwhile to stay up late e up with original ideas for my papers. This makes me a late riser. I exercise every afternoon so that I can keep fit. Such a pace will, I believe, prepare me to finish my university study.
Part II
Coordinating Words or Coordinators
1) single coordinators
and, but, or, for
2) paired coordinators
both … and …
either … or …
not only … but also …
Coordinating Words
1. and
They drank, sang and danced all night.
Write and tell them what has happened.
Work hard, and you will pass the examination.
2. but
They are poor but proud.
He called out to me and waved excitedly.
He not only called out to me but also waved excitedly.
3. or
Pure solid, pure liquid, or pure gas is rare.
Eggs or chickens are very cheap now.
I can’t stay longer or I’ll be late.
He did not eat or drink.
4. for
We must start early, for we have a long way to go.
Classroom Activities [p. 99]
Supply suitable coordinators
1) and
2) and
3) and, or
4) or
5) or
6) and
1) Without a coordinator, “the elusiveness of the enemy, the wide spread use of drugs, the Am


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