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上传人:mh900965 2018/3/10 文件大小:41 KB




文档介绍:1. Television and radio are almost the most powerful pared with other means of munications like newspaper and magazine.
2. And media, is I understand, couldn’t be implementing(供给,实现) the principles of fairness, objectiveness, all-roundedness and above all, the responsibility without any supervision.
3. If a country is democratic, media censorship would be simpler because the government only needs to care for the program’s social effect, such as the possible consequence of a movie about drug on teenagers.
4. Where was the censorship which may prevent such a disastrous test?
5. It can and will warn the government of some problems, like corruption, so that people can trust their governors more if they see the problems solved.
6. And this attitude — letting the audience decide what’s good for them with their own eyes, ears and minds, will guarantee a social stability in the long run.
7. Like the tangible environment, that is the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food on our dinner table, the world’s energy resources are mon wealth of all human beings on the globe.
8. The disequilibrium between nations makes it unavoidable and indeed very necessary to have worldwide cooperation.
9. The cooperation enables different nations, no matter energy rich or poor ones, to sensibly explore and make use of their energy resources by adjusting the supply and demand, and thus to avoid the so-called over-exploration and blind-consumption of the resources.
10. Once individual nations have realized that it is realistic for them to make sacrifices to conserve energy, and to take immediate actions, the ultimate beneficiary would undoubtedly be themselves.
11. Besides, the difference may, to some extent, stimulate the more experienced and skilled to work better, and the less experienced and skilled to work harder to catch up.
12. e to realize that the many ranks and salary grades which are intended to serve as stimuli or yardsticks of experience and expertise may end up b


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