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上传人:ranfand 2018/3/14 文件大小:38 KB





Work flow as a real estate agent
A: customer reception
1: when there are customers outside the store, should promptly get up to meet customers. (watch instrument and smile)
2: when asking customers questions, there is spirit, speech sound to loud, mend or mend housing basic information to accurate, fast.
3: after the introduction of the basic information, politely invite customers to pany to do a detailed understanding.
4: according to customer requirements, mend suitable for customers of pany main push housing, and timely understanding of the basic information of some customers. For example: the purpose of the purchase of customers is not policy makers, the ability to pay, the purchase intention, the current living conditions, etc..
5: if the customer is interested in pany housing, you can arrange showings. If no customer needs housing sales should decisively tell customers of such housing can be in 1 or 2 days to help him find, then put forward to the customers leave a contact telephone number, and enthusiastically handed his name card.
Two: pairing
1: after receiving new listings, should immediately start customer matching, choose their own customers in half a month to delete selected.
Requirements: A lists intent customers.
B sort by customer purchase intention
C sort by customer purchasing power
D select key customers
E calls one of the major clients one by one and decides to visit the house.
Three: the telephone bell tower
1: Dial customer call, inform the customer housing information
2: ask whether the customer is at home or have no fixed telephone, if there is some, tell the customer to dial his fixed telephone, so as not to waste each other cell phone fee. These details should be taken into account.
3: simply tell the basic information about housing.
4: and customer appointment time and place. (Note 2, select 1 Principles)
Four: take a look before the preparation
1: design to see the line
2: design to take look at the proc


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