C5 屈肘| 肱二头肌, 肱肌
病人体位: 肩关节内收,肘伸直,前臂旋后,腕关节放松位.
治疗师体位: Support the wrist.
提示: Bend your elbow and try to reach your hand to your nose.
Action: The patient attempts to move through the full range of motion in elbow flexion.
C5 屈肘| 肱二头肌, 肱肌
病人体位: 肩关节内收,肘关节屈曲90°,
治疗师体位: 固定肩前部,抓住腕关节施加伸肘的力.
提示: Hold your arm. Don’t let me move it.
Action: The patient resists the examiner’s pull and attempts to
maintain the elbow flexed at 90°.
C5 屈肘| 肱二头肌, 肱肌
病人体位: 肩关节内收,内旋,前臂放在腹部上方。肘关节屈曲30°,前臂肘关节放松.
治疗师体位: Support the arm.
提示: Bend your elbow and try to bring your hand to your nose.
Action: The patient attempts to move the elbow through a full range of motion in elbow flexion.
C5 屈肘| 肱二头肌, 肱肌
病人体位: 同2级
治疗师体位: 一手托住前臂,一手握住肘关节,触诊或看到肌腱的收缩.
提示: Bend your elbow and try to bring your hand to your nose.
Action: The patient attempts to move the elbow through a full range of motion in elbow flexion.
C6 伸腕| 腕长、腕短伸肌
病人体位: 肩关节内收,肘关节伸直,前臂旋前,腕关节屈曲.
治疗师体位:One hand supports the distal forearm to allow the wrist to be pre-positioned in sufficient flexion for testing.
提示: Bend your wrist upwards. Lift your fingers toward the ceiling.
Action: The patient attempts to extend the wrist through a full range of motion.
C6 伸腕| 腕长、腕短伸肌
治疗师体位: 一手握住腕关节,一手在掌骨施加屈腕的力.
提示: Hold your wrist up. Don’t let me push it down.
Action: The patient resists the examiner’s push and attempts to
maintain the wrist in the fully extended position.
C6 伸腕| 腕长、腕短伸肌
病人体位: 同3级/肩关节稍屈曲,内旋,内收,上臂放在腹部上方,屈肘90°,前臂旋前,腕关节屈曲.
治疗师体位: 一手握住腕关节,一手触诊腕背侧.
提示: Bend your wrist backwards.
Action: The patient attempts to extend the wrist though a full range of motion in wrist extension.
C7 伸肘| 肱三头肌
病人体位: 肩前屈90°,肘关节屈曲,手贴近耳朵.
治疗师体位: Support the upper arm.
提示: Straighten your arm.
Action: The patient attempts to move through the full range of elbow extension.
C7 伸肘| 肱三头肌
病人体位: Same as grade 3, except the elbow is in 45° of flexion.