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  本文以Visual Basic Server 2000 作为开发工具,采用了结构化生命周期法、系统思想和方法得以实现和完成。该系统主要包括用户管理、楼盘管理、户型管理、客户管理、销售管理、员工管理等多个功能模块。
Abstract:As the marketing economics foundation and developing, the real estate profession in our country developing fast. The blossom of the real estate profession bring along huge development in other correlated professions, for examples, architecture material, architecture design, construction, the estate sale, and the layers and so on. Although the real estate profession develops fast, there are also some problems in real estate sale, taking the poor method of data management and sale in disorder as the examples. Lower efficiency of the real estate profession is induced by these kind problems. Under modern times, the petition is gradually vigorous in current profession environment. It requires us having bine the advanced IT information technique and modern management thoughts to improve the management level, work efficiency, service quantity, and to lower the running cost and promote economic benefits and improve petencies of the real estate profession.
  According the above reasons, I developed this real estate sale management system. Although this system’s effect could be week in this profession because it develops so fast, it only could supply a function for pany to develop suitable sale management system according to the concrete circumstance of themselves.
  With Visual Basic as conduct tool and SQL Server as database management system, I developed a sale management system for real estate. During developing, we use structured life cycle approach, systematic thought and method analysis and design the lifestyle in the f


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