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文档介绍:The Catcher in the Rye
The Catcher in the Rye
The book named The Catcher in the Rye is loved by a large number of readers.
It is one of the most popular best-selling book in America
Jerome David Salinger
Jerome David Salinger was born in a wealthy Judean businessman's family and grew up in the fashionable apartment district of Manhattan, New York on January 1,1919.
After restless studies in prep schools, he was sent to Valley Forge Military Academy (1934-36), which he attended briefly.
Brief introduction of the author
Analysis of the book
Style of the book
Suggestions for the readers
About the author
He served in the . Army in World War II and participated in the invasion of Normandy on D-Day诺曼底登陆, in 1944.
After gaining international fame with this novel, Salinger spent the rest of his life avoiding publicity.
Salinger died at his home in New Hampshire on January 27, 2010.
The background
The novel was written in the early 1950s after World War II to the early fifth. At that time, America benefited a lot from World War II, the living level developed quickly, but people's mental life became more and more poor and empty.
The novel‘s plot is simple and detailing seventeen-year-old Holden’s experiences in New York City, which followed his expulsion驱逐, and departure离开, from an elite prep school预备学校. The book is more notable for the iconic偶像的 person人物面貌 and testimonial褒奖的 voice of its first-person narrator, liberal use of profanity(亵渎语言) and portrayal of sexuality.
Deals plex issues of identity, belonging, connection and alienation.
Analysis of The Catcher in the Rye
Holden’s central goal is to resist the process of maturity itself. Instead of acknowledging that adulthood scares and mystifies him, Holden invents a fantasy that adulthood is a world of superficiality and hypocrisy伪善. he imagines childhood as an idyllic field of rye in which children romp and play; adulthood, for the children of this world, is equivalent相等的to death—a fatal