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文档介绍:One Chinese F-8 fighter pilot thought it was the year of the serpent when he attempted to intimidate an American Navy
EP-3 patrol plane. The bat landed at the Chinese base shown above. The serpent crashed into the South China Sea.
US Navy Patrol Aircraft PR-32 of VQ-1 on a routine mission in Southeast Asia was suddenly panied in flight by two Chinese J-8 twin jet fighter aircraft which was not mon in this part of the world. PR-32 carried her pliment of 24 crewmembers with Lt. Shane Osborn as mander.
“The fighter came up under their left wing. This pilot made two very close passes
previously that day. He apparently misjudged the intercept and his vertical stabilizer
struck the outboard left propeller on the EP-3. The . plane was in straight and level
flight on autopilot at the time. The fighter broke into two pieces and plunged into
the sea.” said Lt. Osborn
“The . plane rolled to the left almost inverted, the pilot lost control and they began to
lose altitude. The Chinese fighter had knocked off the nose cone causing the aircraft to
buffet wildly. The nose cone collided with and damaged the number 4 propeller on the
right wing. The pressure vessel was punctured and the EP-3 depressurized. The pitot
tube was damaged eliminating airspeed indications in the cockpit,” Osborn stated.
"We were almost upside down & totally out of control," Osborn told us.
The dive continued and some crew members donned parachutes. At
about 8,000 feet, Osborne regained straight and level flight. They headed
for the nearest land……. Hainan Island, China.
They made numerous mayday radio calls on internationally recognized
emergency frequencies. The Chinese did not respond. The . crew now
faced the most difficult landing of their lives.
Somehow, they managed to get the airplane on the ground. Their next immediate task
was to destroy the sensitive electronic surveillance equipment aboard the EP-3.
Meanwhile the Chinese military had approached


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