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英语学术论文范文 学术论文.doc

上传人:aideliliang128 2018/4/28 文件大小:30 KB


英语学术论文范文 学术论文.doc




1. Title
Strategies of Oral English Teaching in Senior Schools
2. Thesis Statement
The current social backgrounds which make Oral English e an important part in the English learning process are urgent. Teachers in senior schools always encounter many problems in their Oral English teaching. This study discusses the major causes, and gives some creative solutions to them.
3. Purposes and Significance of Study
In recent years it has been argued on both linguistic and psychological grounds that Oral English should be the principal objective in English teaching. Most textbooks place emphasis more on Oral English in that they embody a methodology that is largely oral. The current problems that appear in Oral English teaching in senior schools are the greatest obstacles which prevent students from learning English well. With the globalization of social life and economy, the process of opening up to the outside es quickly, to a certain extent, the requirements for the cultivation of Oral English are instant. This study will help senior teachers and learners analyze the potential problems and specific methods to deal with.
4. Situation of Study
Corder (1967) views his opinions that the sec


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