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上传人:追风少年 2012/7/22 文件大小:0 KB




Real estate industry is one with high investment, high risk and high return. But lots of real estate projects were suspended or stopped in many reasons, the most important reasons of which are having no market researches or feasibility studies and difficulties in the capital turnover. Feasibility study is playing a larger part in the process of exploitation of real estate in China. It also determines failure or ess of the project to a certain extent. So, a good feasibility study is the fundament of running the project without troubles.
With deep and detailed market research and study on data, this paper analyzes the background and prospect of the region of the project. It provides suggestions on the design of products that fit the market demand, a price predicting and other market positioning on the project. Based on the basic theory of project economic appraisal and investment evaluation; using the general methods and evaluating indicators on project economic appraisal and evaluation, and normal parameters; with the estimation on the basic financial data and financial analysis, this paper makes a financial evaluation and analyzes the economic feasibility and risk from the analysis result. It shows that with a low risk this project has a considerable profitability and repayment ability, so it’s feasible. This project will promote the petitiveness and


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