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上传人:aideliliang128 2018/5/15 文件大小:606 KB




new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she  ______  .
  A. will arrive   B. arrives  C. is going to arrive  D. is arriving
I was at college I ______  three foreign languages, but I ______  all except a few words of each.
 A. spoke; had forgotten   B. spoke; have forgotten
C. had spoken; had forgotten   D. had spoken; have forgotten
police found that the house ______  and a lot of things______  .
 A. has broken into; has been stolen   B. had broken into; had been stolen
 C. has been broken into; stolen  D. had been broken into; stolen
4.—Come on in, Peter. I want to show you something.
—Oh, how nice of you! I ______ you ______ to bring me a gift.
A. never think; are going     B. never thought; were going
C. didn’t think; were going D. hadn’t thought; were going
volleyball match will be put off if it______ .
  A. will rain     B. rains C. rained         D. is raining
a dress when she cut her finger.
  A. made      B. is making    C. was making  D. makes
7. She's upstairs______ letters.
  A. writes    B. is writing  C. write       D. writing
8. —Have you moved into the new house?
    —Not yet. The rooms______ .
A. are being painting        B. are painting
C. are painted              D. are being painted
students ______ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she __