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, 2013年3月Statistic温1Research Mar. 2013 中国绿色经济发展指数研究向书坚郑瑞坤内容提要:文章界定了绿色经济与绿色经济发展指数,根据生态经济系统物质流动的原理与绿色经济的关系,构建了中国绿色经济发展指数,并运用;十一五;时期的数据对指数进行验证。测算结果表明:中国绿色经济发展处于低水平发展阶段,目前的绿色经济发展不具有典型绿色经济的性质。关键询:绿色经济;绿色经济发展指数;综合评价中图分类号:8><#004699'>C813文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-4565(2013)03 -0072 -06 Study on the Green Economy Development Index in China Xiang Shujian & Zheng Ruikun Abstract: This paper defines the green economy and green economy development index. According to the relationship between the principle of material flow of ecological economic system and the green economy, the paper focuses on the green economy development index, which are designed for three secondary hierarchical indexes, and further subdivided into eight tertiary hierarchical indexes and filtered 77 respectively represents the green production, the green consumption and ecological health. The green economy development index is estimated by calculating the secondary hierarchical indexes at first and then synthesizing the secondary hierarchical indexes into the overall index. To verify the rationality of index. the paper use the data of green economy development in the ;eleventh five-year plan; period to calculate the exponent value. It turns out that the green economy development in China is in a low stage. the current economy development in China does not have the salient feature of green economy. The result is primitively consistent with the reality. which shows that the green economy development index in China is
rational and scientific. Key words: Green Economy; Green Economy Development Index; Comprehensive Evaluation 统一,使得难以采用类似GDP式的宏观指标反映绿一、问题的提出色经济总量与发展速度。虽然从20世纪70年代开2009年,联合国环境规划署发表《全球绿色新始,联合国、各国政府、著名国际研究机构和学者尝政政策纲要},倡议世界经济向绿色经济转变。试探讨绿色GDP的核算,但由于其在实践中的困2011年,第64届联大第236号决议提出可持续难,这一工作进展缓慢。把绿色经济作为一个完整发展和消除贫穷背景下的绿色经济;为2012年联合的国民经济整体开展相关研究仍在探索中。国可持续发展大会的主题之一O当前,包括美国、英1971年美国麻省理工学院提出生态需求(ERI)国、法国、德国、韩国、巴西等在内的不少国家都把发指标,1972年托宾和诺德豪斯提出净经济福利指展绿色经济作为金融危机后经济振兴的新亮点


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