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文档介绍:The international standard ISO 3537-1991 Road vehicles-Safety glazing materials-test methods for mechanical properties is equivalently adopted for this standard.
1 The subject content and the application scope
This standard regulates the test methods for mechanical properties of safety glazing materials for road vehicles.
This standard is applicable for the road vehicles-safety glazing materials (hereinafter it is short for safety glazing materials). This kind of safety glazing materials includes the glass products processed by every kind of glass and the glass posed by glass and other materials.
2 Reference
GB 531 rigidity test method of vulcanite Model A SHORE
JC/T 632 terms for safety glazing materials the road vehicles
3 Test conditions
Except for the special regulations, the test should be conducted under the conditions as follows:
a. Temperature: 20±5℃;
b. Pressure: ×104~×105 Pa;
c. Relative humidity: 40%~80%.
4 Test application
According to the test purpose, for some safety glazing materials that their test results can be predicted from the known properties, not all the tests stipulated in this standard are necessary to be made.
5 Shock resistance test (227g steel ball test)
Test purpose
Determine whether the safety glazing materials under the shock of small rigid body maintains some minimum strength or bond strength.
Device and apparatus