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a function, and tried to LanKao area folk pointed out wedding is in addition to the known declare to the function, more is liable to legal outside with legal nature of the world recognized marriage got was established in LanKao area, at the same time because people often put wedding ceremony called "adult", so, the local wedding ceremony and the characteristics of both seijinshki, thus showing people sense of, or local people sense of adults, and then again to cause the marriage both client and family relationships between both parties is to change. Pattern In numerous changes inside, is more about the marriage both parties, this article also tries to put these describe them.
Article is divided into four parts:
The first part: the introduction. To illustrate the reason of writing, the significance and the existing fumarates, this paper studies the foothold.
Part two: first described the origins and people wedding wedding significance, especially in ancient Chinese, and listed in China, there have been some of the wedding ceremony.
Part 3: LanKao area described the civil ceremony, from the beginning of marriage, wedding preparation before, the climax of the wedding ceremony and the wedding finishing etc, and in several stages, based on the description of LanKao region pointed out in a civil ceremony has the social function of meaning.
Part four: the summary. Mainly in LanKao area in a civil ceremony with a function on the basis of summing up out through the wedding ceremony on marriage both parties caused by the pattern of series of changes, this is mainly through the wedding have an adult ceremony in a characteristic and analysis.
Keywords: LanKao region,Marriage Chicago,Marriage Chicago function,Pattern change


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