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Study Xueshuantong cyclosporin A, the Breviscapine with the efficacy of
prednisone treatment of refractory nephrotic syndrome. The contrast Xueshuantong
(TCM), cyclosporin A (western medicine), breviscapine with the pros and cons of
prednisone in the treatment of refractory nephrotic syndrome.
Efficacy of cyclosporin A treatment of refractory nephrotic syndrome, 86 cases (1):
Select the *** School of Nephrology, November 2009 to October 2011 were
refractory nephrotic syndrome patients for the study of 86 cases object. All cases
given methylprednisolone injection 100mg/d, intravenous pulse therapy 3d; while
giving prednisone 1mg/d reapplication, according to conventional usage, according to
the conventional reduction of the symptoms and efficacy; and then oral cyclosporine
A soft capsule. Through the patient's clinical symptoms, 24h urinary protein, plasma
protein levels and other indicators to summarize and analyze the clinical efficacy of
cyclosporine A;
(2) thrombus through the treatment of refractory nephrotic syndrome in 48 Cases:
Select *** School of Nephrology, November 2009 to 48 cases of refractory nephrotic
syndrome patients were admitted in October 2011 as the research object. Compared
with the low molecular weight heparin 2500U line through the patient's blood
coagulation and fibrinolysis indicators, liver and kidney function, blood lipids check
clinical symptoms, clinical bleeding and patients with skin and mucous membrane
petechiae, bleeding gums, petechiae, melena, and allergies rash and other adverse
reactions, summarize and analyze the thrombus through the clinical efficacy;
(3) The Breviscapine with Clinical efficacy of prednisone treatment of nephrotic
syndrome in 48 cases: Select *** School of Nephrology, November 2009 October
2011 were refractory nephrotic syndrome patients for the study of 48 cases object.
The level of urine protein, serum albumin (ALB), blood lipids (ch), fibrinogen (Fbg),