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文档介绍:Book review: The Call of the Wild
班别:外本103班学号:********** 姓名:陈霞连
The story in the novel is about a dog, Buck, used to belong to a judge and live in south American happily, but he was a member of dog-team pulling a sled later in the north wretched environment and have to learning to be stronger to survive from being beaten. And luckily enough, he set up an intimate relationship with his later master- Mr. John.
From where I am standing, the wild in the story is including love, kind, bravery, persistence, and diligence all those noble characters. They are our instincts. No matter what we do, we should carry all those characters with us.
In the first place, the bravery and persistence showing in Buck shakes me most. The endeavor he makes in struggling for his life by himself and ing the leader of his own life and other dogs is so moving that I can not help thinking about how we act in front of difficulties in our daily life. Supposing we were in Buck’s condition, we might retreat. Especially our undergraduates, we usually lack of persistence in studying and lack of bravery to face troubles we meet and hold our dreams in the free fortable environment. So Buck’s characters will wake our wild from sleeping and Buck is a great model for us to make great effort to achieve our goals. So when we think we can not do something difficult or we do not want to do, we just need thinking ab


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