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上传人:wz_198613 2018/5/30 文件大小:288 KB





Since modern times, increasingly serious national crisis precipitated China’s advanced people to explore the way of development arduously. While modernization was one of the principal line. As a famous scholar in east and west, Zhang Qiyun, based on the basic national condition and the feelings of concerns of his country and people, did his best to make great efforts to promote China’s modernization. However, as a result of his political affiliation, it is a pity that he was forgotten by the mainland academic circle in this aspect. In recent years, the mainland academic circle have already made some achievements, most of which are focus on history, geography and the education of history and geography. Few of them concerned on his modernization thought. Therefore, I did a research on Zhang Qiyun and his modernization thought. Not only can make up for the oversight in the field of modern research, but also be informative to the character of Chinese modern intellectual history of modern Chinese history study. It undoubtedly has important theoretical and practical significance.
The whole life of Zhang Qiyun has experienced two big stage, the early stage in mainland and late stage staying at Taiwan. The focus of this paper is the stage in mainland especially his youth and middle age.
Based on the life experiences of Zhang Qiyun , this paper discussed the evolution of his modern thought, then had a deep insight into the modernization thought of multiple levels and abundant practice, hoping to systematically prehensively show his the modern thought and made a corresponding evaluation.
Keywords: Zhang Qiyun, modernization thought, cultural modernization, economic modernization, education modernization
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... II


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