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文档介绍:摘 要
西部大开发以来,西部地区工业园区迅猛发展,被西部很多地区冀望为经济发展的“速效良方”、工业化和城市化的“加速器”。近些年,西部山地工业园区在历史机遇(外因)和自身发展诉求(内因)两个因素共同作用和推动下发展日益加深,但由于西部地区脆弱敏感的生态环境,生态问题愈加严重,亟待生态保全回应。因此, 及时正确认识西部山地工业园区的人地关系,以人地和谐的理念为指导,进行西部山地工业园区规划研究是现实实践的需要。
本文首先认识西部山地和山地城市,明确西部生态化发展要求,梳理国内外工业园区发展历程,明确西部山地工业园区及其发展阶段,认知人地关系论,明确西部山地工业园区的人地关系;其次,从观念、编制、实施三个层面出发相应提出均衡性、层次性和持续性三大规划原则;再次,通过探析规划程序中的问题进而提出先区域后局部、先评价后调控、先生态后生产三大规划程序;最后,提出三大产业规划策略: 静态主导动态扶植、纵向成链横向增补、产业闭环城园联动,和五大空间规划策略: 因地就势组团串联线状延展的空间结构、生活上坡生产下坡混专结合的功能布局、两级配套均衡布点动态建设的公共设施、节约主路成环次路多样断面的交通组织、上山下沟障空补缺外围锦屏的绿地构建,并结合典型实例加以说明。
Since China's Western Development Program, the industrial parks in western region has rapid development, which is expected as “quick and effective prescription” of economic progress and “accelerator” for industrialization and urbanization by many western regions. In recent years, the mountainous industrial park in western region have deepening development under the interaction and motivation of two factors, the historic opportunities (external cause) and their own development aspirations (internal cause). However, ecological problems e increasingly serious in urgent need of the response of ecological preservation because of the sensitive and vulnerable ecological environment in western region. Therefore, it is a real practical need to have timely and correct understanding of the man-land relationship of mountainous industrial parks in western region, to be guided by the concept of human-nature harmony, and make the mountainous industrial park planning research in western region.
The paper firstly has a understanding of western mountain and mountain city, clear the requirements of the western ecological development, comb industrial park`s development at home and abroad, clear its development stage of mountainous industrial parks in western region, cognize the theory of man-land relationship, clear the man-land relationship in mountainous industrial parks in western region. Secondly, it provides three main


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