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Explicitation is a translation strategy by which the information implied in the source text (ST) is stated more explicitly in target text (TT). The purpose of using this strategy is to guarantee the coherence of the text and to increase readability. For years many scholars have mitting themselves to corpus-based empirical studies and trying to prove a universal existence of explicitation in all translation process. Based on the previous studies, this thesis endeavors to evaluate the quality of explicitation with the aim of exploring the questions of how the quality of explicitation may be evaluated and what relationships there are between the explicitation strategy and translation quality.
The World of English as the object of this study is a collection of literary translation as well as the first English-Chinese bilingual magazine issued in China. Also it has been enjoying reputations among readers and counterparts. 200 articles are collected in the current study from the Wenyuan Column of this magazine, which cover literary works of fiction, essay and prose. Besides, as a collection of many translators‟ work, the objectivity of the study can be guaranteed to some extent.
This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative research methods for evaluating the quality of explicitation. Despite the fact that a shared standard for the evaluation is still in controversy, Reiss presents her Adequacy Theory and holds that the quality of literary translation should be evaluated from both semantic and aesthetic dimensions. As it is stated in her theory of text typology, literary translation as a kind of expressive text should witness its adequacy in terms of conveying meaning and beauty. The qualitative study of the thesis is also conducted from the two aspects. In order to make the qualitative study on the two factors of adequacy more systematic, this thesis tentatively proposes four types of meaning explicitation based on Leech‟s seven types of meaning and Wu


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