Great Wall
Chang cheng
The Chinese worked on the Great Wall for over 1700 years. In turn, each emperor who came to power added pieces of the wall to protect their dynasties. But the wall was not a solid wall. It was  a line of disconnected barricades.
Map of northern China showing the Great Walls
How long is the Great Wall?
Chang cheng you duo chang ?
First Emperor Qin used peasants, captured enemies, criminals, scholars, and anyone else who irritated him, and put them all to work building the Great Wall. Laborers were not paid for their work. It was slave labor.
Qin wanted a much better barricade to protect his people from the Mongol invaders to the north. He wanted a strong wall 30 feet wide and 50 feet high.
The Great Wall is 6700 Kilometer long.
chang cheng you liu qian qi bai gong li
从远处看, 像一条巨龙.
From distance, she looks like a gigantic dragon.
Cong yuan chu kan, xiang yi tiao ju long.