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Women have better sense of smell than men
Women can smell whether panion smoked a cigarette, or sipped wine, wearing perfume or not and many others.
Men have better sense of humor than women
As evidence, there are more edians ediennes.
Women mature earlier than men. At age 17 most women are already matured, whether physically or emotionally.
Women are more talkative than men
It has been a proven fact that women speak more frequent than men.
Men are polygamous by nature
There's no doubt and there's nothing to debate about it.
Women are monogamous by nature
The same holds true with this fact.
Men are more aggressive than women
Men proved their aggressiveness through their being adventurous. They are at the same time more aggressive sexually.
Men are possessive and women are submissive
Though men are polygamous, they want their women to be theirs alone. Most women submit themselves to the will of their man.
Men are physically stronger than women
This is very evident on the physical differences between men and women.
Women are emotionally stronger than men
Though we tend to see women crying all the time they are stronger emotionally. Men easily get depress and there are more men admitted in mental asylums.
Women are more caring than men
From the womb until we grow it's our mother who took care of us.
Women's favorite past time is gossiping


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