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Mechanical Metallurgy - G. E. Dieter - McGraw-Hill.pdf

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Mechanical Metallurgy - G. E. Dieter - McGraw-Hill.pdf


SI Metric Edition
e E. Dieter
University of Maryland
Adapted by
David Bacon
Professor ofMaterials Science
University ofLiverpool
McGraw-Hili pany
London' New Yark . St Louis' San Francisco' Auckland
Bogota' Guatemala' Hamburg· Lisbon' Madrid· Mexico
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McGraw-Hill Series in Materials Science and Engineering
Editorial Board
Michael B. Bever
Stephen M. Copley
M. E. Shank
Charles A. Wert
Garth L. Wilkes
Brick, Pense, and Gordon: Structure and Properties of Engineering Materials
Dieter: Engineering Design: A Materials and Processing Approach
Dieter: Mechanical Metallurgy

Drauglis, Gretz, and Jaffe: Molecular Processes on Solid Surfaces
Flemings: Solidification Processing
Fontana: Corrosion Engineering
Gaskell: Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics I
Guy: Introduction to Materials Science ,I
Kehl: The Principles of Metallographic Laboratory Practice
Leslie: The Physical Metallurgy of Steels
Rhines: Phase Diagrams in Metallurgy: Their Development and Application
Rozenfeld: Corrosion Inhibitors
Shewmon: Transformations in Metals
Smith: Principles of Materials Science and Engineering
Smith: Structure and Properties of Engineering Alloys
Vander Voort: Metallography: Principles and Practice
Wert and Thomson: Physics of Solids
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