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文档介绍:Evaluation Questions
Blanks Filling
Multiple-choice Questions
Example Test Paper
Key to Test Paper
Jianbin Cui: A Study On Modern English Linguistics
1 Linguistics is the scientific study of ___.
2 To many people, a linguist is the same as a ___ , one who can speak several Languages fluently.
3 In professional usage, the ___ is a scholar who studies Language objectively, observing it scientifically, recording the facts of Language, and generalizing from them.
4 ___ ics studies the movement of the ans of producing the sounds of speech; ___ ics studies the way the sounds of speech are perceived by the human ear.
5 ___ deals with how Language is acquired, understood and produced.
6 ___ studies the neurological basis of Language development and use in human beings.
Fill in the blanks of the following statements with
a proper word or phrase.
Jianbin Cui: A Study On Modern English Linguistics
7 ___ is concerned with the diversity of Language as it relates to various sociological factors.
8 ___ is concerned with variation and use in relation to the cultural patterns and beliefs of man.
9 The ancient theories of the origin of Language were of ____origin.
10 The Egyptians considered themselves to have the oldest civilization and asserted that the original human Language was ___.
Jianbin Cui: A Study On Modern English Linguistics
3 The theory that primitive man made involuntary vocal noises while performing heavy work has been called the ___ theory.
4 The theory that primitive man instinctively gave vocal expression to every external impression has been called the ___ theory.
5 monly held view among the classic Greeks was that at some ancient time there was a “___ “ who gave the correct, natural name to everything.
6 The theory that Language arose from instinctive emotional cries, expressive of pain or joy has been called the ___ theory.
7 The theory that primitive Language was an imitation of natural sound, such as animal cries, has been called the theory.