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To conceive, plan, coordinate, develop, qualify and implement Standard & Insert Molding process technology meeting FCI’s cost and capacity objectives against customer requirements. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to all aspects related to the implementation (materials, tooling, equipment), operability and performance of new or existing Molding processes, their modifications and related documentation.
Engineering Tasks:
Coordinate project tasks and deadlines in maintaining project schedules and budgets. Solicit internal and external resource support to meet project timelines.
Participate in definition of overall project plan and schedules for development projects in meeting time to market (TTM) objectives.
Act as a consultant to management in assessing project aspects, feasibility and risks and in making technical mendations for alternatives to achieve objectives against delivery schedules.
Interface with vendors, quality, product engineering and manufacturing to assure capability and/pliance in meeting process, product, delivery, and safety/environmental objectives.
Coordinate equipment transfer and training of personnel for start-up facilities
Discovery & Definition focuses on early involvement with the product/process conceptualization to determine characteristics/requirements that meet product, manufacturing and customer objectives.
Define p


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