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文档介绍:The First Translator in China ---A Famous Chinese Buddhist Monk Made by : 侯莎吕玲马丽娟蔡薇
A famous Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, traveler, and translator who described the interaction between China and India in the early Tang period.
Xuanzang 玄奘
Xuanzang was born near Luoyang Henan in 602 .
He was the youngest of four children.
At his young age ,he expressed interest in ing a Buddhist monk as one of his elder brothers had done. And then at the age of thirteen he entered Buddhist monkhood. Seven years later ,he was fully ordained as a monk.
In 629, Xuanzang reportedly had a dream that convinced him to journey to India.
During his journey, Xuanzang visited a great number of countries, which contributed a lot to his translation.
een years later, he return to Tang Dynasty imperial capital Changan.
. On his return to China in AD 645, Xuanzang was greeted with much honour but he refused all high civil appointments offered by the still-reigning emperor, Emperor Taizong of Tang. Instead, he retired to a monastery and devoted his energy to translating Buddhist texts until his death in AD 664.
He brought with him some 657 Sanskrit(梵文)texts.
Then drawing students and collaborators from all over East Asia to translate the texts. He is credited with the translation of some 1,330 fascicles of scriptures into Chinese.
In 646, under the Emperor's request, pleted his boo