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《高僧传》是南朝梁慧皎所写的一部僧人传记。它包举了二百五十七个僧人, 是佛教史上的重要著作。同时,《高僧传》也是研究汉语史的重要语料,它的语言真实可靠而且比较接近当时口语,是我们研究中古语言的重要材料。
目前,对于《高僧传》的研究,学术界较多注重于考校辑注、词汇训诂等方面,在《高僧传》的语法研究方面还比较薄弱,因而本文试图在这方面作些努力, 选择《高僧传》的副词作为论文研究的对象。
论文共分三章: 第一章为“《高僧传》副词总论(上)”。本章就《高僧传》副词的使用情况
进行细致的描写与分析,勾勒出《高僧传》副词的整体面貌,统计出副词547 个,分别归入时间副词、程度副词、范围副词、语气副词、情状方式副词、关联副词、否定副词、指代性副词八个次类。
The Research Of Adverbs On Gao Seng Zhuan
Gao Seng Zhuanwritten by Hui Jiao in Liang Dynasty,i S a monk biography that iRCIudes 257 has great vaIue in Buddhi sm hi important I ingui stiC materiaI in thi S book i S highIY trustworthy and i S much Simi Iar to the spoken Ianguage during that ,Gao Seng Zhuan iS quite usefuI during our research on the MiddIe Ages Chinese Ianguage.
For the present. researchers pay much attent i on to
COI Iatiorl,coI Iection and hermeneutic on Gao Seng Ie the grammaticaI research on it iS far away from we soIact the adverbs on Gao Seng Zhuan to do some research.
Thi S paper anized into three chapters: Fi rst:OutI itie of Gao Seng Zhuan(fi rst haIf):
In the chaper,we make a overaI I and systemic desoription and C1assification of adverbs on Gao Sang Zhuan。trying to draw the outI iRe of basiC aspect of are 547 adverbs in the Gao Sang are diVidad into eight categorias,such as adverbs of time,adverbs of
degree, adverbs of scope,mood I adverbs。I i nk adverbs,
negativa adverbs and adverbs of indicating and substituting. Second:OutI iRe of Gao Seng Zhuan(second haIf):
I n the contrast the adverbs on Gao Seng Zhuan wi th the adverbs on other 1 inguistiO anaIyse the characteristiC of these adverbs and reveaI its position in the history of Chinese grammar through pariSion and synchroniC study.
Thi rd:Case study: