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文档介绍:摘 要
论文首先介绍荣格分析心理学中个人无意识、集体无意识和原型等为核心的理论要点,以及黑塞接受荣格心理治疗的经历和他受到的影响。其次从文本出发, 论文对小说主人公歌尔德蒙自少年到老年不同人生阶段的心理变化特点和自性化历程进行了论述,从阴影、人格面具,阿尼玛,自性化等方面对原型意象以及救赎主题方面解析作品中呈现的个人无意识的显现以及集体无意识内涵,希望能从心理学的角度对作品进行新的解读。最后论文从作家的创作动机和读者的心理反应两个方面对作品的效应进行了探讨,使其具有更丰富的内涵和意蕴。
Ab stract
Narcissus and Goldmund,the famous novel written by Hermann Hesse,is regarded as one of the most attracting novels of all his its publication,the novel is given a lot of attention by readers of different levels and is loved by paper
intends to study this novel and make a new interpretation to the novel from
psychoanalytic theory by Carl Gustav is carried out as the following: Firstly,the thesis gives a brief introduction to Carl Gustav Jung’S psychoanalytic
theory and his influence on Hermann ,personal unconscious,
collective unconscious and archetype ale discussed through the analysis of Goldmund’S psychological changes in his 3 life ’S more,the thesis also analyses the theme of redemption and archetype from aspects of shadow,persona, anima and individuation embodied in the novel for the purpose of interpreting the emergence of individual unconscious and the content of collective unconscious,which
aims to give new interpretation to the ,the effects of the work are discussed from the perspectives of the writer’S creative motivation and the readers’ psychological reactions to the work with the hope that more rich content Can be found in the novel.
Key Words:personal-unconscious; collective-unconscious; archetype;
目 录
摘 要
第一节研究背景和意义 l
第二节国内外研究现状 .2
第三节研究思路和方法 .4
第一章 荣格心理学与黑塞 5
第一节 荣格心理学的主要内容 .5
第二节 黑塞的成长经历 .6
第二章 ‘纳尔齐斯和歌尔德蒙》主人公的心理学分析 8
第一节 青少年时期潜意识的显现 ..8
第二节 成年时期的心理整合 13
第三节 老年阶段的内省 20


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