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文档介绍:7A Unit 8 Fashion
7A Unit 8 e to the unit
: 重点单词:fashion、lazy、tie、blouse、lend、spend
重点短语: in bed、10 more minutes、think about
重点句子: I’m thinking about what to wear today.
That’s right、 You’re so lazy.

1. Kitty looks very nice in the ______________(粉红色) skirt.
2. He says he will wear the green shirt at today’s ___________(时装) show.
3. Does your father like the colour of this ____________(领带) ?
4. I think Eddie is very ___________(懒惰的). He never wants to work.
5. His ___________ (鞋子)are broken. He wants a new pair.
6. Many young people like wearing ______________ (牛仔裤)in this city.
7. Your ___________ (衬衫)looks very nice, Millie!
8. I think that pair of _________ (靴子)is nice. And the price is OK..
Step 1: Presentation
Step 2: Presentation
1. Now Mille is asking her mother to lend her some clothes for the fashion show .Listen to the conversation between Mille and her mum and answer the question:
What size is Mum’s blouse?
Listen to the tape again and answer another question:
Who can wear this blouse, Mille or Sandy?
Listen and repeat ,then act it out .
Explain the difference between borrow and lend
borrow sth from sb/borrow one’s sth
lend sth to sb/lend sb sth
. Can I borrow a pen from you ?
Can you lend a pen to me ?
Step 3:
1. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:
is Eddie doing?
does Hobo think of Eddie?
2. Read it freely and loudly then act it out.
3. Explain some important language points:
① 10 more minutes =another 10 minutes
. 8 more books =another 8 books
② what to wear wh-words +to do
how to solve where to go when to leave
③ so lazy so +adj./adv.
. This flowers are so beautiful.
He runs so quickly
③ spend spend … on spend …


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