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暮光之城是我最喜欢的外国电影 它讲述了普通女孩贝拉和吸血鬼爱德华之间的爱情故事 他们的爱情就像久违的阳光一样,洒落在浪漫的暮光之城 不管遇到什么危险他们总是一起走过 这就是我喜欢的美国青春爱情故事 它带给我们别样的感觉
Twilight is my favourite foreign movie.
it tells a love story between mon girl called Bella and a vampire named Edward.
their love is like rare sunshine gives grace to the castle
moves from Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father in Forks, Washington to allow her mother to travel with her new husband, a minor league baseball player. After moving to Forks, Bella finds herself involuntarily drawn to a mysterious, handsome boy, Edward Cullen. She eventually learns that he is a member of a vampire family who drinks animal blood rather than human. Edward and Bella fall in love, but James, a sadistic vampire from another coven, is drawn to hunt down Bella. Edward and the other Cullens defend Bella. She escapes to Phoenix, Arizona, where she is tricked into confronting James, who tries to kill her. She is seriously wounded, but Edward rescues her and they return to Forks, having killed James.
New Moon 新月
Bella and Edward experienced the ups and downs on the concentration of their relationship after a more intimate understanding, but such an inter-family love all the time are not subject to the original instincts challenge. At Bella's 18th birthday dinner, Bella accidentally injured arm, the blood flow to Edwards family, the desire to once again seduce the original out, almost lead to disaster. Since then, Edward's family left the town. The Bella is still unable to forget Edward, she found that whenever hazardous activities themselves will feel the closeness with the parable Edward, so she embarked on a ride motorcycles enjoy the adventure of the journey. At this time, Jacob appeared in Bella's life, he and the handsome Edward is also the