Flight attendant work pressure management
Flight attendant work pressure management
Abstract In social petitive today, people working pressure reached unprecedented levels. Large data shows, the special group flight attendant suffering from mental health problems is not optimistic. China international airlines to 105 flight attendant mental health status and analysis using psychological scale strict article measured flight attendant heart health, the results showed that % people exist obvious psychological symptoms. This number is obviously higher than normal scale in China. Therefore, the flight attendant this career is facing serious work pressure threats, flight attendant industry burnout degree of relatively high, if not very good to adjust, flight attendants were themselves and their families and unit can produce many negative influence, great harm. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to the flight attendant career burnout; Behavior adjustment; Mood adjustment; Attitude adjustment, to make the air crew can have the right face and effective pression, thereby restoring physical, psychological, behavior three coordinate health, so as to improve the work performance anization
Keywords work pressure flight attendant damage adjustment
一、引言 1
课题研究背景 1
课题研究内容 1
课题研究的目的 1
课题研究的意义 2
二、理论综述 2
工作应激 2
工作压力 3
工作压力的主要来源: 4
工作压力的分类 5
工作压力的疏导 5
三、空中乘务员压力现状分析 6
空中乘务员工作压力的原因 6
空中乘务员工作压力的影响 7
四、空中乘务员的压力管理对策 8
个人应对 9
组织应对 10
结论 11
参考文献. 12
致谢. 13