文档介绍:2009 届毕业设计说明书
系、部: 计算机科学系
学生姓名: 杨冉
专业: 计算机应用技术
Flash把音乐,动画,声效,交互方式融合在一起,越来越多的人已经把Flash作为课件动画设计的主要工具,并且创作出了许多令人叹为观止的动画课件(电影)效果。而且在Flash ,这使得加入音乐的动画文件也能保持小巧的‘身材’。
Flash 的出现更是使Flash在面向对象开发方面达到了一个前所未有的令人唏嘘的高度。类、包、继承、封装、丰富的组件、项目管理、版本控制,这些以往只能在专业的面向对象的应用程序集成快速开发环境中才能见到的东西已经统统的在Flash中得到了贯彻。
本文介绍了Flash动画制作中最基础的知识以及在flash ,并通过制作FLASH动画《一声问候》向大家展示出FLASH动画的特色。
关键字: FLASH软件;动画;场景;FLASH场景动画
People and emerge a person to grow better the person's courage and the process from the bad novel performance method results in mind pound at, leaving the impression that can't obliterate to the people, thus moving the people, with the body the corpus thoughts now, letting person have awakening.
At manufacture in I used a great deal of action to repair, purpose is to not fla document lane of too greatly;Still have me the beginning of present view part of to manufactured the fan to turn to move, make the appearance even have the movement, this also makes up the appearance middleman thing to hold still the blemish of the immobility more exactly;While create this fan, I used two fans to set against to call, an is a fan, the another is the shadow of the fan, the fan turns to move, the shadow es after to turn to move, making that original narrow and small room even have the stereoscopic feeling thus, this is also a very small exaltation that is that and betwixt of still have two more creative places in the creations, an is the gun battle cond