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文档介绍:Huaihua University
译者(按姓氏拼音排序): 邓无恙
冯 X
昝 X X
怀化学院是 2002年经国家教育部批准成立的全日制普通高等学校,初创于1958年,前身是怀化师范高等专科学校。
Huaihua university is a full--time institute of higher education approved by Ministry of Education. Her predecessor, Huaihua Normal Academy, was established in early 1958.
学校坐落于古有“黔滇门户、全楚咽喉”之称,现有湘黔、枝柳、渝怀三条铁路及 209、320国道、上瑞高速交汇的交通枢纽城市——怀化市。毗邻海内外知名的风景名胜区张家界和旅游胜地湘西凤凰。
The university is located in transportation hub—— Huaihua city, which used to be honored as “ the gateway to QianDian (Qian is short for Guizhou and Dian for Yunnan province ) and the strategic passage to Quchu (Quanchu is includs some parts of Henan .Shanxi. Hubei. Hunan Anhui and most parts of Zhejiang and Jiangsu province ) .
There are three railways (Xiangqian、Zhiliu、 Yuhuai) and two national highways( and 320) and Shangrui superhighway across the city .It takes Zhangjiajie (a place of interest well known both at home and abroad ) and Fenghuang ( a tourist attraction in Xiangxi) as its neighbors .
学校占地面积 1010亩,建筑面积400000平方米,有东、西两个校区办学,校园依山涵湖,钟灵毓秀,楼群林立,满园苍翠。
The university totally covers 1010 mu including 400,000 square meters of building area. It consists of east and west campuses . With green hills , emerald lakes , high buildings and dense forests, the university pregnant with beauty and talent has turned out to be an ideal place for study.
Inheriting colorful and rich Xiangxi human spirits and many nations’ unceasing struggle and exploration spirits during the suffering but glorious half century, the university has stepped onto a higher stage and will have a more bright future.
经过多年的建设和发展,学校已拥有文、理、工、经、法、教、管、农等八大学科门类,形成了以本科教育为主,师范教育与非师范教育并重,为地方经济和社会发展培养高层次人才的教学型、应用性、多科性本科院校。学校面向全国 25个省、市、自治区招生,有在校本、专科学生13400人,成人教育、函授、自考学生5000余人。
After a long development, the university has e a teaching-oriented、application-oriented and multidisciplinary one with eight disciplines ( Literal arts 、Science 、Engineering、Economy、Law、Education、Ad


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