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When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.
My name is XX, from XX. I scored unsatisfactory and did their desired universities. I think, either in the country on a first-clacolleges, or to go abroad. If on a domestic university, it is a waste of time. So I chose to study abroad.
Two years ago, I have a little girl called Snow White, every day she came out all kindergartens. According to former teacher speak, the child crying, but don't tube, she cried enough was just fine. Through observation, the child in the class very lonely, because she's poor ability, playing games, with the other kids can cooperate, together with courage small, often by other children bullying. I think maybe munication failure, serious dampened her little heart, the children got into the garden phobia naturally. Find the
“symptoms” after, I will treat, often in her class. Play the game, I intentionally let him as “actor” and increase the opportunities, and she alone deliberately show yourself to her “preference”, the child has changed, full of love, love laughter, the kindergarten, with no longer hear her cry……
At the moment there was much peace in heaven,but voices from the earth could already be child know he had to leave very asked god one more question softly, “oh,god, iam going to leave now, can you tell me my angel's name?”
So I understand that New Zealand students through the has more advantages. First of all, New Zealand is a multicultural country, a time-advanced level. Second, the students lower costs than other countries, more reasonable. Third, the weather and almost southern China. Therefore, I propose to the parents to New Zealand to study the wishes of the pare